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XPath Node

In the context of XML and HTML documents, an XPath node refers to an element, attribute, text, comment, or processing instruction within the document that can be selected and evaluated using XPath expressions. XPath is a query language used to navigate and select nodes from XML or HTML documents, providing a powerful and efficient way to extract specific data or information.

Here are some common types of XPath nodes:

  1. Element Nodes: An element node represents an XML or HTML element in the document, such as <book>, <p>, or <div>. It contains child nodes, attributes, and text content.
  2. Attribute Nodes: An attribute node represents an attribute of an XML or HTML element. For example, in the element <book ISBN="123456">, the attribute node is “ISBN” with the value “123456”.
  3. Text Nodes: A text node represents the textual content within an XML or HTML element. For example, in the element <p>This is a paragraph.</p>, the text node contains “This is a paragraph.”
  4. Comment Nodes: A comment node represents an XML or HTML comment within the document. For example, <!-- This is a comment -->.
  5. Processing Instruction Nodes: A processing instruction node represents an XML processing instruction, used to provide instructions to the application processing the XML. For example, <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>.

XPath allows you to use various expressions to navigate and select nodes within the document based on their relationships and attributes. For example, some common XPath expressions to select nodes are:

  • /: Selects the root node.
  • //: Selects nodes at any level in the document.
  • element: Selects all nodes with the name “element.”
  • @attribute: Selects the value of the attribute named “attribute.”
  • element[@attribute='value']: Selects elements with the specified attribute value.

Here’s a simple XML example to illustrate the concept of XPath nodes:

  <book category="fiction">
    <title lang="en">Harry Potter</title>
    <author>J.K. Rowling</author>
  <book category="non-fiction">
    <title lang="en">The Power of Habit</title>
    <author>Charles Duhigg</author>

In this XML document, the XPath nodes include the <bookstore> element, the <book> elements, the <title>, <author>, and <year> elements within each <book>, as well as the attributes category and lang. Using XPath expressions, you can select and work with specific nodes within the document, enabling powerful querying and data extraction capabilities.


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