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XQuery Time & Date

In XQuery, you can work with time and date values using the built-in functions and data types provided by the language. XQuery supports the xs:time, xs:date, and xs:dateTime data types to represent time, date, and date-time values, respectively.

Here are the main XQuery functions related to time and date:

Current Time and Date Functions:

  1. fn:current-time()
  • Returns the current time as an xs:time value.
  1. fn:current-date()
  • Returns the current date as an xs:date value.
  1. fn:current-dateTime()
  • Returns the current date and time as an xs:dateTime value.

Extracting Components from Date-Time Values:

  1. fn:year-from-dateTime($dateTime)
  • Extracts the year from an xs:dateTime value.
  1. fn:month-from-dateTime($dateTime)
  • Extracts the month from an xs:dateTime value.
  1. fn:day-from-dateTime($dateTime)
  • Extracts the day from an xs:dateTime value.
  1. fn:hours-from-time($time)
  • Extracts the hours from an xs:time value.
  1. fn:minutes-from-time($time)
  • Extracts the minutes from an xs:time value.
  1. fn:seconds-from-time($time)
  • Extracts the seconds from an xs:time value.

Formatting Dates and Times:

  1. fn:format-dateTime($dateTime, $picture, $language, $calendar)
  • Formats an xs:dateTime value as a string using the specified picture string.
  1. fn:format-date($date, $picture, $language, $calendar)
  • Formats an xs:date value as a string using the specified picture string.
  1. fn:format-time($time, $picture, $language, $calendar)
  • Formats an xs:time value as a string using the specified picture string.

These functions enable you to work with time and date values, extract components from date-time values, and format date-time values as strings based on a specified picture string.

Here’s an example of using some of these functions:

let $currentDateTime := fn:current-dateTime()
let $year := fn:year-from-dateTime($currentDateTime)
let $formattedDate := fn:format-dateTime($currentDateTime, "[Y]-[M01]-[D01] [H01]:[m01]:[s01]")
return $formattedDate

Output (assuming the current date and time is 2023-07-27T14:30:45):

2023-07-27 14:30:45

Remember that the output of these functions may vary based on the system’s clock and time zone settings. Always consider the timezone context while working with date and time values in XQuery.


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