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CSS Box Sizing

The CSS box-sizing property is used to control how the total width and height of an element are calculated, taking into account its padding and border. It determines whether the specified width and height of the element should include the padding and border or not.

There are two values for the box-sizing property:

  1. content-box (default): It is the default value and represents the traditional box model. The specified width and height of the element do not include padding and border. The content area of the element is calculated independently, and any padding and border are added to the specified width and height.
  2. border-box: The specified width and height of the element include the padding and border. The content area of the element is calculated within the specified width and height, and any padding and border are included in those dimensions. This makes it easier to manage the overall size of the element, especially in responsive layouts.

Here’s how you can use the box-sizing property in CSS:

/* Using content-box (default) */
.element {
  box-sizing: content-box;

/* Using border-box */
.element {
  box-sizing: border-box;

By default, most HTML elements have box-sizing: content-box. When you set box-sizing: border-box, it can be helpful in situations where you want to control the overall dimensions of an element, including its padding and border, without worrying about the content overflowing or breaking the layout.

Using border-box is particularly popular when working with responsive designs, as it simplifies calculations for element sizes, margins, and positioning. It’s important to choose the appropriate box-sizing value based on the specific requirements and layout needs of your project.


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