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How to change the font in CSS

To change the font in CSS, you can use the font-family property. The font-family property allows you to specify a list of font names or font families for an HTML element. The browser will use the first font in the list that is available on the user’s system. If none of the specified fonts are available, the browser will use its default font.

Here’s an example of how to change the font in CSS:


<p class="custom-font">This text uses a custom font.</p>


.custom-font {
  font-family: "Your Custom Font", Arial, sans-serif;

In the example above, we have a paragraph element with the class “custom-font.” The font-family property is applied to this class to change the font of the text.

  1. The first font specified in the font-family property is “Your Custom Font.” This is the font that you want to use as the primary font. Make sure to include the correct font name and ensure that the font is accessible to users by either hosting the font on your server or using a web font service.
  2. If “Your Custom Font” is not available on the user’s system, the browser will attempt to use the next font in the list. In this case, Arial is specified as a fallback font. Arial is a common web-safe font that is available on most systems.
  3. If Arial is also not available, the browser will use the system’s default sans-serif font as the last resort.

By specifying multiple fonts in the font-family property, you ensure that your text will be displayed in an appropriate font even if the preferred custom font is not available. It’s good practice to include web-safe fonts as fallbacks to improve cross-browser compatibility.

You can also use different font families for different HTML elements or create specific classes for different font styles within your CSS file.


The Tech Thunder

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The Tech Thunder