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CSS Transition Opacity

CSS transitions allow you to animate changes to CSS properties over a specified duration. You can use CSS transitions to smoothly change the opacity of an element, creating a fade-in or fade-out effect. The opacity property determines the transparency of an element, with a value of 0 being completely transparent (invisible), and 1 being fully opaque (visible).

Here’s an example of how to create a CSS transition for the opacity property:


<div class="fade-in-out">
  This element will fade in and out on hover.


.fade-in-out {
  opacity: 1;
  transition: opacity 0.5s ease-in-out; /* The duration is 0.5 seconds */

.fade-in-out:hover {
  opacity: 0; /* When hovered, the element will fade out */

In this example, we have a <div> element with the class “fade-in-out.” Initially, the opacity is set to 1 (fully opaque). We apply a CSS transition to the opacity property with a duration of 0.5 seconds (0.5s) and an easing function of ease-in-out (meaning the animation starts slow, accelerates, and then slows down at the end).

When you hover over the element, the opacity is changed to 0 (fully transparent) using the :hover pseudo-class. As a result, the element fades out smoothly over the duration of the transition.

You can customize the duration, easing function, and other properties to achieve different fade effects. CSS transitions are versatile and can be used to animate various CSS properties, adding dynamic and engaging interactions to your webpages.


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