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Java Deque & ArrayDeque

The Java has a Deque (short for “double-ended queue”) is an interface that represents a double-ended queue, which allows elements to be added or removed from both ends. It extends the Queue interface and provides additional methods to support operations at both ends of the queue. Deque is part of the Java Collections Framework and is available in the java.util package.

One of the most commonly used implementations of the Deque interface is the ArrayDeque class, which is a resizable-array implementation of a double-ended queue. Here are some important points to understand about Deque and ArrayDeque:

  1. Interface Deque:
  • Deque is an interface in Java that defines methods for performing operations like adding, removing, and inspecting elements at both ends of the queue.
  • It extends the Queue interface, so it inherits methods for basic queue operations.
  1. Class ArrayDeque:
  • ArrayDeque is a class in Java that implements the Deque interface using a resizable-array approach.
  • It provides constant-time (O(1)) operations for adding and removing elements at both ends, making it efficient for use as a stack or a queue.
  1. Key Methods:
  • addFirst(E e) and addLast(E e): These methods add an element to the beginning and end of the deque, respectively.
  • offerFirst(E e) and offerLast(E e): These methods are similar to the above ones but return a special value (usually true or false) to indicate if the operation succeeded.
  • removeFirst() and removeLast(): These methods remove and return the first and last elements from the deque, respectively.
  • pollFirst() and pollLast(): These methods are similar to the above ones but return null if the deque is empty.
  • getFirst() and getLast(): These methods return, but do not remove, the first and last elements from the deque, respectively.
  • peekFirst() and peekLast(): These methods are similar to the above ones but return null if the deque is empty.

Here’s an example of using ArrayDeque:

import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.Deque;

public class ArrayDequeExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Deque<String> deque = new ArrayDeque<>();

        // Adding elements

        // Removing and displaying elements
        System.out.println(deque.removeFirst());  // Removes Banana
        System.out.println(deque.removeLast());   // Removes Cherry

        // Peeking at the first and last elements
        System.out.println(deque.getFirst());      // Apple
        System.out.println(deque.getLast());       // Apple

Deque and ArrayDeque are versatile data structures that can be used in a variety of scenarios to efficiently manage collections of elements with double-ended queue semantics.


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