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Java EnumSet

EnumSet is a specialized and efficient implementation of the Set interface in Java, designed to work specifically with enumerated types (enums). It is part of the Java Collections Framework and provides a way to represent and manipulate a set of elements where each element is an enum constant. Enum sets are highly efficient and have some advantages over general-purpose sets when working with enums. Here are some key points about EnumSet:

  1. Restricted to Enum Elements:
  • EnumSet is designed to work only with enumerated types (enums). It can store a set of elements, and each element must be one of the enum constants of the specified enum type.
  1. Efficiency:
  • EnumSet is highly efficient and optimized for memory usage and performance. It is implemented as a bit vector, which makes it compact and fast for set operations.
  1. Type Safe:
  • Because it’s restricted to enum elements, EnumSet is type-safe. You can’t accidentally add an element of the wrong type to the set.
  1. Creation:
  • You can create an EnumSet using various static factory methods such as EnumSet.of(), EnumSet.noneOf(), and EnumSet.allOf().
  • Example of creating an EnumSet:
   EnumSet<Day> daysOff = EnumSet.of(Day.SATURDAY, Day.SUNDAY);
  1. Methods:
  • EnumSet provides methods for set operations like add(), remove(), contains(), isEmpty(), size(), and more.
  1. Range Operations:
  • You can perform range-based operations using EnumSet by specifying a starting and ending enum constant. For example:
   EnumSet<Day> weekdays = EnumSet.range(Day.MONDAY, Day.FRIDAY);
  1. Iteration Order:
  • EnumSet maintains the natural iteration order of elements based on their ordinal values. This can be useful when iterating through the elements.
  1. No Null Elements:
  • EnumSet does not allow null elements. If you attempt to add a null element, it will throw a NullPointerException.

Here’s an example of using EnumSet:

import java.util.EnumSet;

public class EnumSetExample {
    public enum Day {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        EnumSet<Day> workDays = EnumSet.range(Day.MONDAY, Day.FRIDAY);
        EnumSet<Day> weekend = EnumSet.of(Day.SATURDAY, Day.SUNDAY);

        System.out.println("Workdays: " + workDays);
        System.out.println("Weekend: " + weekend);

        // Adding an additional day

        System.out.println("Workdays (after adding Saturday): " + workDays);
        System.out.println("Is Sunday a workday? " + workDays.contains(Day.SUNDAY));

In this example, we create two EnumSet instances to represent workdays and weekends. We add a day to the workdays set and check if Sunday is considered a workday using the contains() method. EnumSet is a powerful and efficient way to work with enums and sets of enum constants.


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