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Java HasMap vs Hashtable

The HashMap and Hashtable are both classes that implement the Map interface in Java and provide a way to store and manage key-value pairs. However, they have some important differences, mainly in terms of synchronization, handling of null keys and values, and their historical context. Here’s a comparison of HashMap and Hashtable:

  1. Synchronization:
  • HashMap:
    • HashMap is not synchronized by default. This means it is not thread-safe. Multiple threads can access and modify a HashMap concurrently, but this can lead to data corruption if proper external synchronization is not applied.
    • If you need a synchronized version of HashMap, you can use Collections.synchronizedMap(map) to wrap it and make it thread-safe.
  • Hashtable:
    • Hashtable is synchronized by default, making it thread-safe. All its methods are synchronized, ensuring that multiple threads can safely access and modify it without external synchronization.
  1. Null Keys and Values:
  • HashMap:
    • HashMap allows one null key and multiple null values. This means you can have a key that is null and multiple values that are null.
  • Hashtable:
    • Hashtable does not allow null keys or values. If you attempt to insert a null key or value, it will throw a NullPointerException.
  1. Performance:
  • HashMap:
    • Because HashMap is not synchronized by default, it is generally faster than Hashtable in non-threaded environments. In applications where synchronization is not needed, HashMap is preferred for its better performance.
  • Hashtable:
    • Hashtable is slower in comparison to HashMap due to the overhead of synchronization. In single-threaded applications, this can result in performance penalties.
  1. Order:
  • Neither HashMap nor Hashtable guarantees any specific order of key-value pairs. They do not maintain the order in which elements were inserted or accessed.
  1. Legacy:
  • HashMap is the preferred choice in modern Java development for most use cases due to its better performance and flexibility.
  • Hashtable is considered a legacy class, and it is less commonly used in modern Java development. It is still encountered in older code or legacy systems that require thread safety.

In summary, if you need thread safety, Hashtable provides it out of the box, but at the cost of potential performance degradation. If you don’t require thread safety or need more control over synchronization, HashMap is the preferred choice. For modern, multi-threaded applications, you might consider using the ConcurrentHashMap class, which offers better performance and fine-grained concurrency control.


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