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The MySQL AND and OR are logical operators used to combine multiple conditions in SQL queries. These operators allow you to build complex conditions for filtering and retrieving data from the database. Here’s how they work:

AND Operator (AND):

  • The AND operator is used to combine multiple conditions, and it returns true only if all the conditions are true.
  • It is often used to narrow down the result set by specifying multiple criteria that all must be met.
  • If any of the conditions connected by AND is false, the entire expression evaluates to false.

Syntax for AND:

SELECT columns
FROM table
WHERE condition1 AND condition2;

Example using AND:

SELECT product_name, unit_price
FROM products
WHERE category = 'Electronics' AND unit_price > 500;

In this example, the query will return products with the category ‘Electronics’ and a unit price greater than 500.

OR Operator (OR):

  • The OR operator is used to combine multiple conditions, and it returns true if at least one of the conditions is true.
  • It is often used to broaden the result set by specifying multiple criteria where only one needs to be met.
  • If any of the conditions connected by OR is true, the entire expression evaluates to true.

Syntax for OR:

SELECT columns
FROM table
WHERE condition1 OR condition2;

Example using OR:

SELECT product_name, unit_price
FROM products
WHERE category = 'Electronics' OR unit_price > 500;

In this example, the query will return products that either belong to the ‘Electronics’ category or have a unit price greater than 500.

Combining AND and OR:

You can combine AND and OR operators to create complex conditions. To control the order of evaluation, you can use parentheses to group conditions.

Example combining AND and OR:

SELECT product_name, unit_price
FROM products
WHERE (category = 'Electronics' OR category = 'Appliances') AND unit_price > 500;

In this example, the query will return products that belong to either the ‘Electronics’ or ‘Appliances’ category and have a unit price greater than 500.

These logical operators are essential for creating flexible and precise queries in MySQL, allowing you to filter and retrieve data based on various conditions.


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