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MySQL Show Users

To view a list of MySQL users, you can query the mysql.user table. This table stores information about the user accounts, including their usernames, hostnames, and privileges. You can use a SELECT statement to retrieve this information. Here’s how to do it:

SELECT user, host FROM mysql.user;

This query will return a result set with two columns: user and host. The user column contains the usernames, and the host column contains the hostnames from which the users are allowed to connect.

You can also use the SHOW command to list the users, which provides a more concise output:

SHOW GRANTS FOR 'username'@'hostname';

Replace 'username' and 'hostname' with the specific username and hostname for which you want to see the grants. This command will show the privileges and grants for that user on the specified host.

To list all user accounts along with their privileges, you can use the following query:

SELECT user, host, grantee, privilege_type
FROM mysql.user
LEFT JOIN mysql.db
ON CONCAT(user, '@', host) = grantee;

This query joins the mysql.user table with the mysql.db table to display the user accounts and the privileges assigned to each user.

Keep in mind that you may need appropriate privileges to access the mysql.user table or view user grants, typically the SELECT privilege on the mysql database.


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