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MySQL Boolean

The MySQL BOOLEAN data type represents true or false values. The BOOLEAN data type can hold two possible values: TRUE and FALSE. It is often used to store binary or logical data, and it is synonymous with TINYINT(1).

Here’s how you can define a BOOLEAN column in a table:

CREATE TABLE my_table (
    my_column BOOLEAN

You can insert data into a BOOLEAN column using 0 for FALSE and 1 for TRUE, like this:

INSERT INTO my_table (my_column) VALUES (1);  -- TRUE
INSERT INTO my_table (my_column) VALUES (0);  -- FALSE

When you query data from a BOOLEAN column, the values returned will be displayed as 1 for TRUE and 0 for FALSE.

SELECT my_column FROM my_table;

-- Result:
-- my_column
-- 1
-- 0

You can also use BOOLEAN data types in your SQL expressions to evaluate conditions or filter data based on true or false values. For example:

FROM my_table
WHERE my_column = 1;  -- Retrieve rows where my_column is TRUE

In practice, BOOLEAN is often used to represent binary states or logical conditions in a database. It can be especially useful for scenarios where you need to store true/false, yes/no, or on/off values. Keep in mind that BOOLEAN values are often represented as 1 (TRUE) and 0 (FALSE) in MySQL.


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