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MySQL Derived Table

A derived table in MySQL is a virtual table that is the result of a subquery within a SQL statement. Derived tables are sometimes referred to as inline views or subquery factoring. They are used to simplify complex queries by allowing you to treat the result of a subquery as if it were an actual table, which can be further queried or joined with other tables in your SQL statement.

The basic structure of a derived table looks like this:

SELECT column1, column2
FROM (SELECT column3, column4 FROM table1 WHERE condition) AS derived_table

In this structure:

  • column1 and column2 are columns you want to retrieve.
  • The subquery (SELECT column3, column4 FROM table1 WHERE condition) generates the derived table.
  • The AS derived_table assigns an alias to the derived table, making it possible to reference it in the outer query.

Here are some common use cases for derived tables in MySQL:

  1. Complex Filtering and Transformation:
    You can use derived tables to simplify complex filtering or transformations by creating a temporary result set that’s easier to work with.
   SELECT employee_name, department_name
   FROM (SELECT e.employee_name, d.department_name
         FROM employees e
         JOIN departments d ON e.department_id = d.department_id) AS employee_department;
  1. Aggregation and Reporting:
    Derived tables are useful for generating summary data or reports based on aggregated data from other tables.
   SELECT department_name, AVG(salary) AS avg_salary
   FROM (SELECT e.department_id, AVG(e.salary) AS salary
         FROM employees e
         GROUP BY e.department_id) AS department_salary
   JOIN departments d ON department_salary.department_id = d.department_id;
  1. Data Cleanup and Transformation:
    You can use derived tables to clean, transform, or reformat data before further processing.
   SELECT product_name, category_name
   FROM (SELECT product_name, category_name
         FROM products
         WHERE category_name IS NOT NULL) AS cleaned_data;
  1. Joining Subqueries:
    When you need to join the results of two subqueries, derived tables can help you simplify the query structure.
   SELECT employee_name, department_name
   FROM (SELECT employee_id, department_id FROM employees) AS emp
   JOIN (SELECT department_id, department_name FROM departments) AS dept
   ON emp.department_id = dept.department_id;

Derived tables can make your SQL queries more readable and maintainable, particularly when dealing with complex data transformations or reporting tasks. They are a valuable tool in the SQL toolbox for creating clear and concise queries.


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