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MySQL Delete vs Truncate Command

The MySQL, both the DELETE and TRUNCATE commands are used to remove data from tables, but they have different behaviors and use cases. Let’s compare the DELETE and TRUNCATE commands:

DELETE Command:

  1. Purpose:
  • The DELETE command is used to remove specific rows from a table based on a given condition.
  • It’s a flexible command that allows you to specify a WHERE clause to filter the rows you want to delete.
  1. Data Removal:
  • DELETE command deletes rows one by one based on the condition specified in the WHERE clause.
  • It generates a transaction log for each deleted row, which might affect performance when deleting a large number of rows.
  1. Usage:
  • Use DELETE when you need to selectively remove specific rows from a table.
  • Useful when you want to delete rows based on complex conditions.
  1. Rollback:
  • Deletions made using the DELETE command can be rolled back if they are within a transaction.
  • If you want to remove all data from a table and need to roll back, you would need to execute multiple DELETE statements.


  1. Purpose:
  • The TRUNCATE command is used to remove all rows from a table.
  • It is faster and more efficient than the DELETE command when you want to remove all data.
  1. Data Removal:
  • TRUNCATE command removes all rows in a single operation, without generating transaction logs for each row.
  • It’s a non-transactional operation (in most MySQL storage engines), so it cannot be rolled back.
  1. Usage:
  • Use TRUNCATE when you want to remove all data from a table quickly.
  • Useful for resetting tables without affecting their structure or recreating indexes.
  1. Rollback:
  • Unlike the DELETE command, the TRUNCATE operation cannot be rolled back.
  • After a TRUNCATE, the data is permanently removed from the table.

Which to Choose:

  • Use DELETE when you need to selectively remove specific rows based on a condition or when you want to remove data within a transaction that might be rolled back.
  • Use TRUNCATE when you want to quickly remove all rows from a table and you don’t need to roll back the operation.

In summary, choose between DELETE and TRUNCATE based on your requirements. If you need more control over which rows to delete and the ability to roll back, use DELETE. If you need to remove all data quickly and don’t need rollbacks, use TRUNCATE.


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