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MySQL Character Set

The MySQL character set is a set of characters with a defined encoding. It specifies how characters are represented in the database, and it is an essential aspect of database configuration, particularly when dealing with internationalization and character encoding.

MySQL supports a wide range of character sets, including both single-byte and multi-byte character sets. Here are some key points about character sets in MySQL:

  1. Character Set Definition: Each character set has a unique name that identifies it. For example, the character set for the English language is typically latin1, while the character set for the Greek language is greek, and for the Japanese language, it is utf8.
  2. Collation: A character set can have multiple collations. Collation defines the rules for sorting and comparing characters within the character set. For example, for the utf8 character set, there are collations such as utf8_general_ci (case-insensitive) and utf8_bin (case-sensitive).
  3. Character Encoding: Each character set has an associated character encoding. Character encoding specifies how characters are represented as bytes in the database. For example, the utf8 character set uses the UTF-8 encoding.
  4. Unicode Support: MySQL provides strong support for Unicode character sets, which are essential for handling characters from different languages and scripts. The utf8 and utf8mb4 character sets are commonly used for Unicode support.
  5. Setting Character Set at Different Levels:
  • You can set the character set at the server level when configuring the MySQL server.
  • You can set the character set at the database level using the CHARACTER SET clause in the CREATE DATABASE statement.
  • You can set the character set at the table level using the CHARACTER SET clause in the CREATE TABLE statement.
  • You can set the character set at the column level using the CHARACTER SET clause in the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement.

Here are some common character sets in MySQL:

  • latin1: A single-byte character set often used for Western European languages.
  • utf8 and utf8mb4: Unicode character sets that support a wide range of languages and characters.
  • utf16 and utf32: Unicode character sets that support all Unicode characters.
  • ascii: A 7-bit character set for the English language.

To specify the character set when creating a database or table, you can use the following syntax:

CREATE DATABASE database_name CHARACTER SET character_set_name;
CREATE TABLE table_name (column_name datatype CHARACTER SET character_set_name);

For example, to create a database with the utf8 character set, you can use:


To create a table with a specific character set for a column:

CREATE TABLE mytable (
  id INT,

It’s essential to choose the appropriate character set and collation for your database, depending on the languages and characters you plan to store. Using the correct character set ensures data integrity and proper sorting and searching of text data.


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