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MySQL vs MariaDB

MySQL and MariaDB are two closely related relational database management systems, with MariaDB being a fork of MySQL. Here’s a comparison between MySQL and MariaDB:

1. Common Heritage:

  • MySQL: Originally developed by MySQL AB, later acquired by Sun Microsystems and then Oracle Corporation.
  • MariaDB: A fork of MySQL created by the original developers of MySQL, including Michael “Monty” Widenius. It was developed due to concerns about the direction of MySQL under Oracle’s ownership.

2. Licensing:

  • MySQL: Offers both open-source community and commercial editions (MySQL Enterprise Edition) with additional features and support.
  • MariaDB: Primarily distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) and has a strong commitment to open source.

3. Compatibility:

  • MariaDB: Aims to maintain high compatibility with MySQL. Most applications and code written for MySQL can be used with MariaDB without modification.

4. Features:

  • MariaDB: Strives to offer a more open and community-driven development process, often implementing features more quickly than MySQL. Introduces features such as the Aria storage engine, Galera Cluster for synchronous replication, and more.
  • MySQL: Offers comprehensive features, especially in the commercial editions. Features might be developed and released at a slightly slower pace compared to MariaDB.

5. Performance:

  • MariaDB: Focuses on performance improvements and optimizations, with claims of better performance in certain scenarios. It introduces the Aria storage engine as a replacement for MyISAM.
  • MySQL: Also has performance optimizations, but the specific focus might vary based on the version and edition.

6. Storage Engines:

  • MariaDB: Replaces the MyISAM storage engine with Aria, which aims to provide more reliability and transaction support. Supports other engines like InnoDB, TokuDB, and more.
  • MySQL: Supports various storage engines, including InnoDB (the default), MyISAM, and others. The default storage engine transitioned from MyISAM to InnoDB for improved ACID compliance.

7. Community and Development:

  • MariaDB: Maintains a more community-driven and open development process. Welcomes contributions from the community and aims to foster collaboration.
  • MySQL: While there is an active community, some developers have expressed concerns about Oracle’s ownership and the direction of MySQL.

8. Licensing and Commercial Support:

  • MariaDB: Offers enterprise support and services, but the focus remains on open source.
  • MySQL: Provides both open-source and commercial editions, along with Oracle’s enterprise-level support and services.

9. Use Cases:

  • Both are suitable for various use cases, including web applications, content management systems, e-commerce, and more.
  • MariaDB might be preferred by those who value open source and community-driven development.

10. Compatibility and Migration:

  • As mentioned, MariaDB aims for high compatibility with MySQL. Migrating from MySQL to MariaDB or vice versa is often straightforward, but it’s recommended to test thoroughly before making any migration.

Ultimately, the choice between MySQL and MariaDB depends on factors such as project requirements, open-source preference, performance considerations, and compatibility with existing systems. Both databases have their strengths and can serve well in different scenarios.


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