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MySQL Sequence

The MySQL doesn’t have a built-in SEQUENCE object like some other database management systems (e.g., Oracle, PostgreSQL). However, you can create your own sequence-like functionality using MySQL tables and queries. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Create a Sequence Table:
    You can create a table to store the sequence’s current value. For example:
   CREATE TABLE my_sequence (
     name VARCHAR(50) PRIMARY KEY,
     value INT

   INSERT INTO my_sequence (name, value) VALUES ('my_sequence_name', 1);

In this example, we create a table my_sequence with a name (for identification) and a value column.

  1. Increment the Sequence:
    To increment the sequence, you can use an UPDATE statement to increment the value in the table:
   UPDATE my_sequence
   SET value = value + 1
   WHERE name = 'my_sequence_name';

You can execute this query to increment the sequence by one each time you need a new value.

  1. Retrieve the Current Sequence Value:
    When you need to get the current value of the sequence, simply query the table:
   SELECT value
   FROM my_sequence
   WHERE name = 'my_sequence_name';

This query will return the current value of the sequence without incrementing it.

  1. Reset or Initialize the Sequence:
    If you want to reset or initialize the sequence to a specific value, you can use an UPDATE statement:
   UPDATE my_sequence
   SET value = new_value
   WHERE name = 'my_sequence_name';

Replace new_value with the desired starting value.

By using a dedicated sequence table, you can simulate a sequence in MySQL. However, it’s worth noting that MySQL 8.0 introduced the AUTO_INCREMENT column property, which simplifies sequence generation for primary key columns in tables. If your goal is to generate unique values for primary keys, you can utilize AUTO_INCREMENT.


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