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MySQL last()

The MySQL FIRST() function is not a standard SQL function, and it’s not directly available. However, you can achieve the functionality of selecting the first row from a result set using standard SQL constructs like the LIMIT clause in combination with the ORDER BY clause.

To select the first row from a table, you can use the following query:

FROM your_table
ORDER BY your_column

Here’s what each part of the query does:

  • SELECT *: This part selects all columns from the table. You can specify specific columns if needed.
  • FROM your_table: Replace your_table with the name of your table.
  • ORDER BY your_column: This clause specifies the column by which you want to order the rows. Replace your_column with the column you want to use for ordering.
  • LIMIT 1: This limits the result to just one row, effectively selecting the first row based on the specified ordering.

This query will retrieve the first row of your table ordered by the specified column. If you want to retrieve the first row based on a different criterion, just change the ORDER BY clause accordingly.

Keep in mind that if you don’t specify an ORDER BY clause, there’s no guaranteed order for the rows in the result set, so using LIMIT 1 without ORDER BY won’t necessarily return a consistent “first” row.


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