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To delete records from a MySQL table, you can use the DELETE statement. Here’s the basic syntax for deleting records from a MySQL table:

DELETE FROM table_name
WHERE condition;
  • table_name: The name of the table from which you want to delete records.
  • condition: An optional condition that specifies which records should be deleted. If you omit the condition, all records in the table will be deleted.

Here’s an example of how to use the DELETE statement to delete records from a hypothetical “students” table:

DELETE FROM students
WHERE student_id = 3;

In this example:

  • The students table is specified as the target table.
  • The WHERE clause specifies the condition for deletion. In this case, it deletes the record where the student_id is equal to 3.

If you want to delete all records from a table, you can omit the WHERE clause:

DELETE FROM students;

Be extremely cautious when using the DELETE statement without a WHERE clause, as it will delete all records from the specified table, and the data cannot be easily recovered.

You can also use more complex conditions to delete records based on multiple criteria:

DELETE FROM students
WHERE age < 18 AND grade = 'F';

This query will delete all records from the “students” table where the students are under 18 years old and have a grade of ‘F’.

Always be careful when using the DELETE statement, especially in a production database, to ensure that you are only deleting the intended records. It’s a good practice to first run a SELECT query with the same conditions to confirm which records will be deleted before executing the DELETE statement.


The Tech Thunder

The Tech Thunder

The Tech Thunder