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The MySQL NULLIF() function is used to compare two expressions and return NULL if they are equal, and if they are not equal, it returns the first expression. This function is often used to handle cases where you want to treat certain values as NULL or replace them with NULL.

The basic syntax of the NULLIF() function is as follows:

NULLIF(expression1, expression2)

Here’s how it works:

  • expression1 is the first expression to be compared.
  • expression2 is the second expression to be compared.
  • If expression1 is equal to expression2, the function returns NULL.
  • If expression1 is not equal to expression2, the function returns expression1.

Here are some examples to illustrate the use of the NULLIF() function:

  1. Set a column to NULL if its value is “Unknown”:
   SELECT employee_name, NULLIF(job_title, 'Unknown') AS normalized_job_title
   FROM employees;
  1. Replace a value with NULL if it matches a specific value:
   SELECT product_name, NULLIF(unit_price, 0) AS price
   FROM products;
  1. Handle cases where a division by zero might occur:
   SELECT order_id, total_amount / NULLIF(quantity, 0) AS unit_price
   FROM orders;

In the third example, NULLIF(quantity, 0) is used to prevent division by zero. If the quantity is zero, the function returns NULL, avoiding a division error.

The NULLIF() function is a valuable tool when you want to replace or treat certain values as NULL in your SQL queries, especially in cases where you need to handle special conditions gracefully.


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