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MySQL Versions

MySQL has gone through several versions and releases since its initial development. Here are some of the major MySQL versions and their key features:

  1. MySQL 1.0 (1995): The first version of MySQL, offering basic database functionality.
  2. MySQL 3.0 (1997): Introduced support for transactions, subqueries, and foreign keys, enhancing database capabilities.
  3. MySQL 3.23 (2001): Added support for BLOB and TEXT data types, along with various performance improvements.
  4. MySQL 4.0 (2002): Introduced stored procedures, triggers, and views. It also added support for Unicode and other enhancements.
  5. MySQL 4.1 (2003): Enhanced support for subqueries and introduced new security features.
  6. MySQL 5.0 (2005): Brought significant improvements, including support for stored procedures, triggers, cursors, and an event scheduler.
  7. MySQL 5.1 (2008): Introduced partitioning, row-based replication, and a pluggable storage engine architecture.
  8. MySQL 5.5 (2010): Included performance and scalability improvements, enhanced InnoDB storage engine, and semi-synchronous replication.
  9. MySQL 5.6 (2013): Added features like NoSQL support through the InnoDB storage engine, enhanced replication, and performance improvements.
  10. MySQL 5.7 (2015): Introduced JSON support, optimizer improvements, and enhanced security features.
  11. MySQL 8.0 (2018): Brought significant enhancements, including improved performance with the InnoDB storage engine, new data dictionary, document store, and window functions for analytic queries.
  12. MySQL 8.0.23 (2020): Added support for the new Data Dictionary, enhanced analytics with common table expressions, and improved JSON handling.

MySQL is still actively developed, and new versions and updates are released regularly. Each version brings improvements, bug fixes, and new features to make MySQL a more robust and capable database management system. You should choose the version of MySQL that best suits your application’s requirements, taking into consideration the features and performance enhancements available in each release.


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