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MySQL Primary Key

The MySQL primary key is a database constraint that enforces the uniqueness and integrity of data in a table. The primary key uniquely identifies each row (record) in a table and ensures that there are no duplicate values. Here are the key characteristics and guidelines for using primary keys in MySQL:

  1. Uniqueness: A primary key column (or combination of columns) must contain unique values across all rows in the table. This means that no two rows can have the same primary key value.
  2. Uniqueness Enforcement: MySQL enforces the uniqueness of the primary key values automatically. If you attempt to insert or update a row with a primary key value that already exists in the table, MySQL will generate an error.
  3. Null Values: A primary key column cannot contain NULL values. Each row in the table must have a non-null value in the primary key column.
  4. Data Integrity: The primary key is used to establish relationships between tables through foreign keys. This relationship ensures data integrity and maintains referential integrity in the database.
  5. Physical Storage: MySQL uses the primary key to physically store and retrieve data efficiently. Rows in a table are stored and organized based on the primary key values.
  6. Primary Key Declaration: You can define a primary key when creating a table by using the PRIMARY KEY keyword. For example:
   CREATE TABLE your_table (
       id INT PRIMARY KEY,
       name VARCHAR(255),
       -- other columns

In this example, the id column is defined as the primary key.

  1. Composite Primary Key: You can have a composite primary key by specifying multiple columns as the primary key. This enforces uniqueness based on the combination of values in these columns. For example:
   CREATE TABLE your_table (
       user_id INT,
       product_id INT,
       PRIMARY KEY (user_id, product_id),
       -- other columns
  1. Auto-Increment Primary Key: You can define an auto-increment primary key, which generates unique values automatically as new rows are inserted. This is common for tables that require a unique identifier for each row, such as an ID or order number.
   CREATE TABLE your_table (
       name VARCHAR(255),
       -- other columns
  1. Adding a Primary Key to an Existing Table: You can add a primary key to an existing table using the ALTER TABLE statement. For example:
   ALTER TABLE your_table
   ADD PRIMARY KEY (column_name);

Replace your_table with the name of your table and column_name with the name of the column you want to make the primary key.

Primary keys play a critical role in database design and ensure data integrity. They are essential for creating relationships between tables through foreign keys and for efficiently retrieving and organizing data.


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