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MySQL Comments

MySQL allows you to include comments in your SQL statements to provide explanations, reminders, or annotations within your SQL code. There are two types of comments in MySQL:

  1. Single-Line Comments: These comments start with -- and continue to the end of the line.
   -- This is a single-line comment
   SELECT * FROM employees; -- Another comment
  1. Multi-Line Comments: These comments start with /* and end with */. They can span multiple lines.
   /* This is a
   multi-line comment */
   SELECT * FROM products;

Comments are useful for documenting your SQL code, making it more understandable for you and others who might work with the code. They don’t have any impact on the execution of SQL statements and are purely for human consumption.

Here are some common use cases for comments in MySQL:

  • Documenting the purpose of a query.
  • Adding explanations for complex or non-intuitive code.
  • Temporarily disabling or “commenting out” parts of a query for testing or debugging.

Including comments in your SQL code can improve code readability and make it easier to maintain and collaborate with others.


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