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MySQL Drop User

To drop a user in MySQL, you can use the DROP USER statement. Dropping a user removes their account and all associated privileges. Here’s the basic syntax:

DROP USER 'username'@'host';
  • 'username': Replace this with the name of the user you want to drop.
  • 'host': Specify the host or IP address from which the user is allowed to connect. This should match the host part of the user you want to drop.


DROP USER 'myuser'@'localhost';

This will remove the user ‘myuser’ when connecting from the localhost.

After executing the DROP USER statement, the user account is deleted, and the associated privileges are revoked.

Keep in mind the following important points:

  1. Be very cautious when using the DROP USER statement, as it permanently deletes the user account and associated privileges. There is no way to undo this action.
  2. The user must exist in the MySQL user accounts for the DROP USER statement to work.
  3. You may need the necessary privileges to execute the DROP USER statement, typically the DELETE privilege on the mysql database.
  4. Before dropping a user, consider revoking any privileges that were granted to the user. You can use the REVOKE statement for this purpose.

Always be sure that you intend to remove the user, and double-check to ensure that no important data or privileges are tied to that user before executing the DROP USER statement.


The Tech Thunder

The Tech Thunder

The Tech Thunder