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MySQL Show Databases

To show a list of all available databases in MySQL, you can use the SHOW DATABASES statement or query the information_schema database. Here are both methods:

Method 1: Using the SHOW DATABASES statement:

You can use the following SQL command to display a list of all databases:


This will return a list of database names available on your MySQL server.

Method 2: Querying the information_schema database:

You can also retrieve a list of databases by querying the information_schema database:

SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata;

This query retrieves the names of all databases from the information_schema.schemata table.

You can use either of these methods to see a list of databases on your MySQL server. The first method (SHOW DATABASES) is the most commonly used and more straightforward, but the second method allows you to retrieve database information programmatically if needed.

Please note that you may need the necessary permissions to view the list of databases. Typically, users with the SHOW DATABASES privilege can access this information.


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