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MySQL ProcessList

The MySQL SHOW PROCESSLIST statement is used to display information about the currently executing threads or processes in the MySQL server. It provides a list of the running threads, their current status, SQL statements, and other relevant details. The SHOW PROCESSLIST command can be helpful for monitoring and diagnosing database performance issues.

Here’s how to use the SHOW PROCESSLIST statement:


When you run this statement, MySQL will return a result set containing information about each thread or process currently running in the server. The result set typically includes the following columns:

  • Id: An identifier for the thread or process.
  • User: The username of the MySQL user associated with the thread.
  • Host: The host or IP address from which the connection is made.
  • db: The name of the database with which the thread is associated.
  • Command: The type of SQL command being executed (e.g., Sleep, Query, Insert, Update, Delete, etc.).
  • Time: The amount of time, in seconds, that the thread has been running.
  • State: The current state or status of the thread, which can provide insights into what the thread is doing.
  • Info: The actual SQL statement being executed. This can be useful for identifying the specific SQL that is running.

Here is an example of the output from SHOW PROCESSLIST:

| Id | User  | Host      | db    | Command | Time | State | Info             |
|  1 | root  | localhost | test  | Query   |   10 |       | SELECT * FROM... |
|  2 | user  | | db2  | Sleep   |  100 |       |                  |
|  3 | admin | | db3  | Query   |   20 |       | UPDATE...        |

The SHOW PROCESSLIST output can help you identify long-running queries or threads that might be causing performance issues. You can use this information to troubleshoot, terminate processes, or optimize your database.

To terminate a specific thread or process, you can use the KILL statement followed by the thread Id. For example:


This will terminate the thread with Id 2.

Please note that access to SHOW PROCESSLIST and the ability to use KILL may require appropriate privileges, and be cautious when terminating threads, as it can affect the stability of the MySQL server.


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