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MySQL IF Statement

The MySQL IF statement is a conditional control structure that allows you to execute different actions based on a specified condition. The IF statement can be used in various contexts, including stored procedures, functions, triggers, and SQL queries. It has the following basic syntax:

IF(condition, true_value, false_value)

Here’s how it works:

  • condition is a Boolean expression that determines which branch of the IF statement should be executed.
  • true_value is the action or value to be returned if the condition is true.
  • false_value is the action or value to be returned if the condition is false.

The IF statement evaluates the condition, and if the condition is true, it returns true_value. If the condition is false, it returns false_value.

Here are some examples of how you can use the IF statement in MySQL:

  1. Use IF in a SQL query to categorize products as “Expensive” or “Affordable” based on their price:
   SELECT product_name, unit_price,
          IF(unit_price > 50, 'Expensive', 'Affordable') AS price_category
   FROM products;
  1. Calculate the commission for salespeople based on their total sales. If the sales exceed 100,000, the commission rate is 10%; otherwise, it’s 5%:
   SELECT salesperson_name, total_sales,
          IF(total_sales > 100000, total_sales * 0.10, total_sales * 0.05) AS commission
   FROM salespeople;
  1. Create a stored procedure that checks the age of a customer and assigns them to an age group:
   CREATE PROCEDURE AssignAgeGroup(customer_age INT)
       DECLARE age_group VARCHAR(50);

       IF customer_age < 18 THEN
           SET age_group = 'Child';
       ELSEIF customer_age >= 18 AND customer_age < 65 THEN
           SET age_group = 'Adult';
           SET age_group = 'Senior';
       END IF;

       SELECT age_group;

   -- Calling the procedure
   CALL AssignAgeGroup(30);

The IF statement is a versatile tool in MySQL that allows you to perform conditional logic in your queries, stored procedures, and other database operations. It is commonly used for branching and handling different scenarios based on specific conditions.


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