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MySQL Select Database

To select a specific database in MySQL and make it the active database for your session, you can use the USE statement. Here’s how to do it:

USE database_name;
  • database_name: Replace this with the name of the database you want to select.

For example, if you want to select a database named “mydb,” you would use:

USE mydb;

After executing the USE statement, the specified database becomes the active database for your session. Any subsequent SQL statements you run will be executed within the context of this selected database. This means that you can perform operations like creating tables, querying data, or modifying data specifically within the selected database.

You can check the currently selected database for your session using the SELECT DATABASE() function:


This query will return the name of the currently selected database.

Please note that you need appropriate permissions to select a database. You should have at least the USAGE privilege for the chosen database to use the USE statement.


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