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MySQL Primary Key vs Candidate Key

The context of relational databases, a “candidate key” is a broader concept compared to a “primary key.” Both are used to uniquely identify records in a table and enforce data integrity, but there are important differences between them.

Candidate Key:

  1. Definition:
  • A candidate key is a column or a set of columns that could be used as the primary key of a table.
  • It satisfies the uniqueness and non-null requirements, just like a primary key.
  1. Uniqueness:
  • Like a primary key, a candidate key enforces the uniqueness constraint.
  • There can be multiple candidate keys in a table.
  1. Nullability:
  • Candidate key columns cannot contain NULL values, just like primary keys.
  1. Role:
  • A candidate key serves as a potential primary key option for a table.
  • Not all candidate keys become primary keys, as only one is chosen as the primary key.
  1. Indexing:
  • Like a primary key, a candidate key can automatically create an index on the table to enforce uniqueness and improve performance.

Primary Key:

  1. Definition:
  • A primary key is a specific candidate key that is chosen to uniquely identify records in a table.
  • It is selected as the main identifier for the table.
  1. Uniqueness:
  • A primary key enforces the uniqueness constraint just like a candidate key.
  1. Nullability:
  • Primary key columns cannot contain NULL values, just like candidate keys.
  1. Role:
  • The primary key serves as the main identifier for the table.
  • It is used as a reference in foreign key relationships to establish relationships between tables.
  1. Indexing:
  • A primary key automatically creates an index on the table, often optimizing retrieval and search operations.


  • Use candidate keys to identify all the possible options for primary keys in a table.
  • Choose one of the candidate keys as the primary key to be the main identifier for the table.


Consider a Students table with columns student_id, student_email, and student_roll. Both student_id and student_email could be potential candidate keys, as they are unique and non-null. However, you might choose student_id as the primary key for this table.

-- Candidate Keys
ADD CONSTRAINT unique_email UNIQUE (student_email),
ADD CONSTRAINT unique_roll UNIQUE (student_roll);

-- Primary Key
ADD PRIMARY KEY (student_id);

In summary, a candidate key represents all the possible options for a primary key in a table, while a primary key is the specific candidate key chosen to uniquely identify records and serve as the main identifier.


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