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How to Change Font in HTML

To change the font in HTML, you can use the CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) font-family property. Here’s an example of how to change the font:

<p style="font-family: Arial, sans-serif;">This text is in Arial font.</p>

In the example above, the <p> tag is used to enclose the text that you want to style. The style attribute is added to the <p> tag to apply inline CSS styles. Within the style attribute, you set the font-family property to the desired font. In this case, the font is set to “Arial” followed by a fallback font of the generic sans-serif font family.

You can use other fonts by specifying their names in the font-family property. For example:

<p style="font-family: 'Open Sans', Arial, sans-serif;">This text is in Open Sans font.</p>

In this example, the font “Open Sans” is specified first, followed by “Arial” and then the generic sans-serif font family as a fallback.

It’s important to note that the font you want to use must be available on the user’s device or be imported via CSS. If the specified font is not available, the browser will use the next available font in the list or fall back to a default font.

Additionally, you can also define the font styles such as size, weight, and color using CSS. This can be done either inline using the style attribute or in an external CSS file.


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