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HTML summary Tag

The HTML <summary> tag is used in conjunction with the <details> tag to create an interactive disclosure widget or an expandable/collapsible section on a webpage. The <summary> tag represents the visible heading or title of the disclosure widget, which users can click to reveal or hide the associated content.

Here’s an example of how the <summary> and <details> tags can be used:

  <summary>Click me to reveal more information</summary>
  <p>This is the hidden content that is revealed when the summary is clicked.</p>

In the above example, the <details> tag creates a disclosure widget, and the text within the <summary> tag represents the visible heading or title of the widget. When the user clicks on the summary, the associated content (in this case, the <p> element) is revealed or hidden.

The <summary> tag should always be placed as the first child element within the <details> tag. It is important to include meaningful and descriptive text within the <summary> tag to provide users with a clear indication of what will be revealed when they interact with it.

The disclosure widget created by the <details> and <summary> tags can be styled and customized using CSS to match the design and aesthetics of your webpage. For example, you can apply background colors, borders, and other styles to enhance the appearance and usability of the disclosure widget.

By using the <summary> and <details> tags together, you can create interactive expandable/collapsible sections on your webpage, allowing users to control the visibility of additional content and providing a more compact and user-friendly layout for presenting information.


The Tech Thunder

The Tech Thunder

The Tech Thunder