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HTML Required Attribute

In HTML, the required attribute is used to mark form fields as mandatory. When a form element has the required attribute, it means that the user must provide a value for that field before the form can be submitted.

Here are a few examples of how the required attribute can be used with different HTML form elements:

Text Input:

HTML<span role="button" tabindex="0" data-code="
<input type="text" name="username" required>

In this example, the required attribute is added to a text input field named “username”. The user must enter a value in this field before the form can be submitted.

Email Input:

HTML<span role="button" tabindex="0" data-code="
<input type="email" name="email" required>

The required attribute is added to an email input field named “email”. It ensures that the user provides a valid email address before submitting the form.


HTML<span role="button" tabindex="0" data-code="<input type="checkbox" name="agree" required> <label for="agree">I agree to the terms and conditions
<input type="checkbox" name="agree" required>
<label for="agree">I agree to the terms and conditions</label>

The required attribute is added to a checkbox input field named “agree”. The user must check the checkbox indicating their agreement before the form can be submitted.


HTML<span role="button" tabindex="0" data-code="<select name="country" required> <option value="">Select a country</option> <option value="usa">USA</option> <option value="canada">Canada</option> <option value="uk">UK</option>
<select name="country" required>
  <option value="">Select a country</option>
  <option value="usa">USA</option>
  <option value="canada">Canada</option>
  <option value="uk">UK</option>

The required attribute is added to a <select> element for selecting a country. The first option is set as an empty value, so the user must choose a country from the dropdown before submitting the form.

By using the required attribute, you can enforce mandatory fields and ensure that users provide the necessary information before submitting the form. Browsers will handle the validation and display an error message if a required field is left blank when the form is submitted.

It’s important to note that while the required attribute provides client-side validation, server-side validation is also necessary to ensure data integrity and security.


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The Tech Thunder

The Tech Thunder