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HTML data Tag

The <data> tag in HTML is used to represent machine-readable data within the content of a document. It provides a way to associate a value with a specific piece of content, allowing the data to be easily accessible for scripting or other programmatic purposes.

Here’s an example of how the <data> tag is used:

HTML<span role="button" tabindex="0" data-code="<p>The current temperature is <data value="25">25°C</data>.

<p>The current temperature is <data value="25">25°C</data>.</p>

In the example above, the <data> tag is used to encapsulate the temperature value “25°C”. The value is specified using the value attribute, which can be accessed programmatically.

The <data> tag is typically used when you want to embed data in the HTML markup for consumption by scripts or other data processing tools. It provides a way to semantically associate data with specific content within the document.

When using the <data> tag, it’s important to provide a meaningful value for the value attribute. This value can be accessed and manipulated using JavaScript or other scripting languages.

Here’s an example of accessing the value of the <data> tag using JavaScript:

const temperatureData = document.querySelector('data');
console.log(temperatureData.value); // Output: 25

In this JavaScript code snippet, the value of the <data> tag is accessed using the querySelector method and the value property of the selected element.

It’s important to note that the <data> tag does not inherently apply any visual styling. Its rendering is typically handled through CSS styles applied to the element or its parent elements.

Overall, the <data> tag provides a way to embed machine-readable data within the HTML content, allowing for easy access and manipulation of the data for scripting or other programmatic purposes.


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The Tech Thunder