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HTML dt Tag

The <dt> tag in HTML is used within a <dl> (description list) element to define a term or item in the list. It represents the term or label associated with its corresponding definition, which is typically represented by the <dd> (description) tag.

Here’s an example of how the <dt> tag is used within a <dl>:

     <dd>Hypertext Markup Language</dd>
     <dd>Cascading Style Sheets</dd>

In the example above, we have a <dl> element that contains two term-definition pairs. The <dt> tags are used to define the terms or items in the list, such as “HTML” and “CSS”. The corresponding definitions are provided using the <dd> tags.

The <dt> tags should be placed directly within the <dl> element and are typically followed by one or more <dd> tags to provide the associated definitions or explanations.

By default, the term defined by <dt> is rendered in bold, but the visual rendering can be customized using CSS to match the desired styling of your webpage.

The <dt> tag is often used in conjunction with the <dl> and <dd> tags to create glossaries, definition lists, or sets of terms and their explanations in a structured manner. It provides a semantic structure to the content, allowing for easier comprehension and navigation by users and search engines.

It’s important to note that the <dt> tag should only be used within a <dl> element. Using it outside of a <dl> is not valid HTML and may result in unexpected rendering or behavior.

Overall, the <dt> tag in HTML is used to define a term or item within a description list (<dl>) and is typically followed by one or more <dd> tags that provide the corresponding definitions or explanations.


The Tech Thunder

The Tech Thunder

The Tech Thunder