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HTML Entities

HTML entities are special characters that have a specific meaning within HTML code. For example, the less than symbol “<” and the greater than symbol “>” are used to enclose HTML tags, so if you want to display them as plain text on a web page, you need to use HTML entities. HTML entities are written as an ampersand (&) followed by a code or name, and then a semicolon (;). Here are some common HTML entities:

  1. & – represents the ampersand symbol (&)
  2. < – represents the less than symbol (<)
  3. > – represents the greater than symbol (>)
  4. ” – represents the double quote symbol (“)
  5. ‘ – represents the single quote symbol (‘)
  6.   – represents a non-breaking space

HTML entities can be useful when you need to display special characters or symbols on a web page, such as copyright symbols or mathematical symbols. By using HTML entities, you can ensure that these characters are displayed correctly and do not interfere with the formatting or structure of your HTML code.


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