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HTML Event Attributes

In HTML, event attributes are used to associate JavaScript code with specific events that occur on HTML elements. These attributes allow you to define the behavior or actions that should be performed when a particular event is triggered. Here are some commonly used event attributes in HTML:

  • onclick: Specifies the JavaScript code to be executed when the element is clicked.
  • onmouseover: Defines the JavaScript code to be executed when the mouse pointer moves over the element.
  • onmouseout: Specifies the JavaScript code to be executed when the mouse pointer moves out of the element.
  • onkeydown: Defines the JavaScript code to be executed when a key is pressed down while the element has focus.
  • onkeyup: Specifies the JavaScript code to be executed when a key is released while the element has focus.
  • onsubmit: Defines the JavaScript code to be executed when a form is submitted.
  • onchange: Specifies the JavaScript code to be executed when the value of an element changes (e.g., on input fields or select dropdowns).
  • onload: Defines the JavaScript code to be executed when the element (e.g., an image or the entire page) finishes loading.
  • onunload: Specifies the JavaScript code to be executed when the user leaves the page or unloads the document.
  • onfocus: Defines the JavaScript code to be executed when the element receives focus.
  • onblur: Specifies the JavaScript code to be executed when the element loses focus.
  • onmousemove: Defines the JavaScript code to be executed when the mouse pointer moves while over the element.

These event attributes can be added to various HTML elements to control their behavior in response to specific user interactions or actions. By associating JavaScript code with these events, you can create dynamic and interactive web pages. However, it’s generally considered best practice to separate HTML and JavaScript code by using event listeners and attaching event handlers in JavaScript rather than using inline event attributes.


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