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HTML article Tag

The <article> tag in HTML is used to define a self-contained, independent piece of content within a document. It represents a complete or standalone composition, such as a blog post, a news article, a forum post, or any other content that can be considered an individual entity. The content within the <article> tag should make sense on its own and be able to be distributed or syndicated independently.

Here is an example of how the <article> tag can be used:

HTML<span role="button" tabindex="0" data-code="<article> <h2>Article Title</h2> <p>Article introduction or summary.</p> <p>Content goes here…</p> <p>More content…</p>
     <h2>Article Title</h2>
     <p>Article introduction or summary.</p>
     <p>Content goes here...</p>
     <p>More content...</p>

In this example, the <article> tag encloses the content of an article. It starts with a heading (<h2>) representing the title of the article, followed by paragraphs (<p>) containing the article’s introduction, main content, and additional paragraphs.

The <article> tag helps search engines, screen readers, and other systems to identify and understand the main content of a document more easily. It also aids in creating a well-structured and semantic HTML document.

It’s important to note that the <article> tag should not be confused with the <section> tag, which represents a thematic grouping of content within a document. While <section> divides content into related sections, <article> represents a complete, independent unit of content that could potentially be distributed or reused on its own.


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