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HTML code Tag

The HTML <code> tag is used to represent a fragment of computer code within a document. It is typically used to display inline code snippets or indicate code blocks. The <code> tag does not provide any specific styling by default, but it can be styled using CSS to distinguish it from regular text. Here’s an example of how to use the HTML <code> tag:

Inline code snippet:

  To install the package, use the following command: <code>npm install package-name</code>

Code block:

    function greet() {
      console.log("Hello, world!");

In the first example, the <code> tag is used to display the command npm install package-name as an inline code snippet within a paragraph.

In the second example, the <code> tag is used within the <pre> tag to define a code block. The <pre> tag is used to preserve line breaks and indentation in the code. This is commonly used for displaying larger sections of code or multiple lines of code.

It’s worth noting that for larger or more complex code blocks, using a dedicated code editor or syntax highlighting library is often recommended to improve readability and provide additional functionality for code presentation.


The Tech Thunder

The Tech Thunder

The Tech Thunder