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HTML th Tag

The HTML <th> tag is used to define header cells in an HTML table. It represents a header or a group of header cells in a table row (<tr>). The content within <th> tags is typically displayed in bold and centered by default.

Here’s an example of how the <th> tag can be used:

    <th>Header 1</th>
    <th>Header 2</th>
    <td>Data 1</td>
    <td>Data 2</td>

In the above example, the <th> tags are used to define the table headers. The content within the <th> tags, such as “Header 1” and “Header 2”, represents the column headers of the table. The <th> elements are placed within the first row (<tr>) of the table.

The purpose of the <th> tag is to provide a semantic and visual distinction for header cells compared to regular data cells, which are represented using the <td> tag.

By default, the content within <th> tags is displayed in bold and centered, helping users identify and differentiate the header cells from data cells. However, you can customize the appearance of <th> elements using CSS to modify the font, alignment, background color, borders, and other visual properties.

It’s worth noting that the <th> tag is not limited to simple text headers. You can include any valid HTML content within <th> tags, such as images, links, or other elements, to create more complex and informative table headers.

Using the <th> tag helps improve the accessibility and usability of tables by providing a clear structure and indicating which cells contain header information. Screen readers and assistive technologies can interpret and announce the table headers appropriately, making it easier for users to understand the table content.

In summary, the <th> tag is used to define header cells in an HTML table, helping to organize and present tabular data in a structured and accessible manner.


The Tech Thunder

The Tech Thunder

The Tech Thunder