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HTML details Tag

The <details> tag in HTML is used to create a disclosure widget, also known as an accordion or collapsible section, that allows the user to show or hide additional content. It is typically used to create expandable sections that can be toggled open or closed.

Here’s an example of how the <details> tag is used:

     <summary>Click to toggle</summary>
     <p>This is the additional content that can be shown or hidden.</p>

In the example above, the <details> element represents the container for the collapsible section. The content within the <details> tag is initially hidden and can be revealed by clicking on the summary element. The <summary> element provides a clickable heading or title for the section.

When the user clicks on the summary element, the hidden content within the <details> tag is revealed and displayed on the page. Clicking on the summary element again will hide the content.

The <details> tag can contain any HTML content, such as text, images, lists, or other elements. It allows you to create more complex collapsible sections with rich content.

It’s important to note that the appearance and behavior of the <details> element can vary across different browsers. However, most modern browsers provide a default styling that typically includes a disclosure triangle or arrow to indicate the expandable/collapsible state.

You can also style the <details> element and its contents using CSS to customize its appearance and behavior. This includes modifying the disclosure icon, adding animations, or applying different styles to the summary and content sections.

In addition to the user interaction, the <details> element can also be controlled programmatically using JavaScript. You can use JavaScript to open or close the collapsible section based on specific events or conditions.

Overall, the <details> tag in HTML allows you to create expandable and collapsible sections on your webpage, providing a way to show or hide additional content based on user interaction.


The Tech Thunder

The Tech Thunder

The Tech Thunder