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What does span do in Html

In HTML, the <span> element is an inline-level element used to group and apply styles to a specific section of text or inline content. Unlike the <div> element, which is a block-level element, the <span> element does not create a line break or start on a new line.

The <span> element itself does not have any inherent meaning or semantic value. It is primarily used as a container for styling purposes or to target specific portions of text with CSS or JavaScript. It allows you to apply CSS styles, such as color, font size, background color, etc., to a specific section of text or inline content without affecting the surrounding elements.

Here’s an example of how the <span> element can be used in HTML:

HTML<span role="button" tabindex="0" data-code="<p>This is an <span style="color: red;">important</span> message.

<p>This is an <span style="color: red;">important</span> message.</p>

In this example, the word “important” is wrapped in a <span> element with a style attribute to apply the CSS property color: red;. This allows you to style only the specific word while keeping the rest of the text unaffected.

You can also assign classes or IDs to <span> elements and style them through external CSS stylesheets or JavaScript for more extensive styling and manipulation.

Overall, the <span> element is a versatile tool for applying styles, targeting specific portions of text, or grouping inline content together for various purposes in HTML.


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