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HTML wbr Tag

The HTML <wbr> tag is used to specify a word break opportunity in a long or unwrappable string of text. “WBR” stands for “word break opportunity.”

Here’s an example of how the <wbr> tag can be used:

HTML<span role="button" tabindex="0" data-code="<p>This is a longwordthatshouldnotbreak<wbr>here.

<p>This is a longwordthatshouldnotbreak<wbr>here.</p>

In the above example, the <wbr> tag is placed within the word “longwordthatshouldnotbreak” to indicate a potential word break opportunity. It suggests to the browser that if the word needs to be wrapped due to limited space, it can break at that point without compromising the readability or meaning of the text.

The <wbr> tag is an inline tag and does not have any visible effect on the rendered content. It is primarily used to provide hints to the browser for more appropriate word wrapping or line breaking in certain situations, such as long URLs, file paths, or other sequences of characters that shouldn’t be broken in the middle.

It’s important to note that the browser’s behavior in regard to <wbr> is not consistent across all browsers, and its effect may vary depending on the rendering engine used. Additionally, the use of <wbr> should be limited to specific cases where it is necessary for proper word wrapping or line breaking.

In most situations, the browser’s default text wrapping behavior is sufficient, and explicit use of the <wbr> tag is not required. Modern CSS techniques and responsive design practices provide more control over the layout and appearance of text, allowing for better handling of long or unwrappable strings without relying on the <wbr> tag.

Overall, the <wbr> tag can be used sparingly when needed, but it should be used with caution and only in situations where it adds value to the readability and presentation of the text.


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