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HTML dfn Tag

The <dfn> tag in HTML is used to define the definition or explanation of a term within a document. It represents the “definition” of an element, typically used in glossaries, dictionaries, or other contexts where terms and their meanings are presented.

Here’s an example of how the <dfn> tag is used:

     <dfn>HTML</dfn> stands for Hypertext Markup Language, which is used for structuring the content of a webpage.

In the example above, the term “HTML” is enclosed within the <dfn> tags. This indicates that the term is being defined or explained. The definition itself follows the opening <dfn> tag and provides additional information about the term.

The <dfn> tag is typically used in conjunction with a corresponding <abbr> or <acronym> tag to mark up abbreviations or acronyms. The <dfn> element represents the expanded or full form of the abbreviation or acronym, while the <abbr> or <acronym> element is used to mark the abbreviated version.

Here’s an example that demonstrates the use of <dfn> and <abbr> together:

     <abbr title="Hypertext Markup Language"><dfn>HTML</dfn></abbr> is used for structuring the content of a webpage.

In this example, the <abbr> tag is used to define the abbreviated version of the term, and the <dfn> tag encapsulates the expanded form or definition of the term.

It’s important to note that the <dfn> tag does not inherently apply any specific styling or formatting. Its rendering can be customized using CSS to match the design and style of your webpage.

Overall, the <dfn> tag in HTML is used to define the definition or explanation of a term within a document. It helps provide semantic markup for terms and their meanings, particularly in glossaries, dictionaries, or other contexts where definitions are presented.


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