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HTML Tags List

HTML Tags List provides a comprehensive collection of tags for structuring content and defining elements in HTML documents. HTML tags can also have attributes, which provide additional information about the tag or modify its behavior. Attributes are specified within the opening tag and can be used to set properties like the source of an image, the URL of a link, the size of an input field, and more.

  <p>HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) tags are elements used to structure and define the content of a web page. They are enclosed in angle brackets (<code><></code>) and come in pairs, with an opening tag and a closing tag. HTML tags provide instructions to web browsers on how to display and interpret the content within them.</p>
  <p>Tags can be used to format text, create links, insert images, define headings, organize lists, create tables, build forms, and more. Each HTML tag has a specific purpose and provides a semantic meaning to the content it wraps.</p>

Here’s lit of HTML code that uses tags to structure a basic web page:

  • <html>: Represents the root element of an HTML document.
  • <head>: Contains metadata and other non-visible information about the document.
  • <title>: Sets the title of the document displayed in the browser’s title bar or tab.
  • <body>: Encloses the visible content of the document.
  • <h1> to <h6>: Defines heading levels, with <h1> being the highest and <h6> the lowest.
  • <p>: Defines a paragraph of text.
  • <a>: Creates a hyperlink or anchor link.
  • <img>: Inserts an image into the document.
  • <ul>: Represents an unordered (bulleted) list.
  • <ol>: Represents an ordered (numbered) list.
  • <li>: Defines a list item within <ul> or <ol> tags.
  • <table>: Defines a table.
  • <tr>: Represents a table row.
  • <th>: Defines a table header cell.
  • <td>: Defines a table data cell.
  • <form>: Creates a form for user input.
  • <input>: Defines an input field.
  • <textarea>: Defines a multiline text input field.
  • <button>: Creates a clickable button.
  • <select>: Creates a dropdown list.
  • <option>: Defines an option within <select> tag.
  • <label>: Associates a text label with an input field.
  • <div>: Represents a division or section of the document.
  • <span>: Defines an inline section or a grouping of inline elements.
  • <strong>: Indicates strong importance or emphasis.
  • <em>: Indicates emphasis or emphasis on a particular section of text.
  • <blockquote>: Indicates a longer quotation.
  • <code>: Represents computer code or inline code snippets.
HTML<span role="button" tabindex="0" data-code="<div>This list covers only a subset of HTML tags, and there are many more tags available for different purposes. HTML tags, combined with attributes and CSS styles, allow you to structure and style the content of your web pages.
<div>This list covers only a subset of HTML tags, and there are many more tags available for different purposes. HTML tags, combined with attributes and CSS styles, allow you to structure and style the content of your web pages.</div>


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