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HTML cite Tag

The <cite> tag in HTML is used to indicate a citation or reference to a creative work, such as a book, article, song, movie, or any other piece of work. It is typically used to mark the title or name of the referenced work within the content of a document.

Here’s an example of how the <cite> tag is used:

HTML<span role="button" tabindex="0" data-code="<p>The <cite>Great Gatsby</cite> is a classic novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

<p>The <cite>Great Gatsby</cite> is a classic novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald.</p>

In the example above, the <cite> tag is used to mark the title of the book “Great Gatsby” as a citation. The browser or user agent may render the citation in italics or with other formatting to indicate that it is a reference to a creative work.

The <cite> tag is intended for marking the title or name of the work being cited, rather than the entire citation or source information. If you need to provide more comprehensive source information, such as author, publication date, or URL, you can use other appropriate tags like <cite> within a <blockquote>, <p>, or <footer> element, or provide the information elsewhere in the document.

It’s important to note that the <cite> tag does not inherently imply any specific visual styling. Its rendering depends on the browser or the CSS styles applied to it. You can use CSS to define custom styles for the <cite> element to match the design of your webpage.

Overall, the <cite> tag is used to mark the title or name of a referenced creative work, providing semantic meaning to the citation within the content of an HTML document.


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