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What does p mean in Html

The <p> tag is used to define a paragraph. It is a block-level element that represents a paragraph of text. When you use the <p> tag, it indicates that the enclosed content should be treated as a separate paragraph, and by default, there is some vertical spacing added before and after the paragraph.

Here’s an example of how the <p> tag is used:

HTML<span role="button" tabindex="0" data-code="<p>This is a paragraph of text.

<p>This is a paragraph of text.</p>

The content placed between the opening <p> tag and the closing </p> tag will be treated as a single paragraph. The browser will typically render the text with some default styles, such as adding margins or line spacing to separate the paragraphs.

You can apply additional CSS styles to customize the appearance of the paragraphs, such as changing the font, color, alignment, or adding margins and padding.


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