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HTML 5 Tags

HTML5 introduced several new tags that provide semantic meaning to the structure and content of web pages. Here are some of the most commonly used HTML5 tags:

  • <header>: Represents the introductory content or a container for a group of introductory content.
  • <nav>: Defines a section of navigation links.
  • <main>: Represents the main content of the document.
  • <article>: Represents a self-contained composition, such as a blog post or news article.
  • <section>: Defines a standalone section or area within a document.
  • <aside>: Represents content that is tangentially related to the main content, often presented as sidebars or callout boxes.
  • <footer>: Represents the footer of a document or a section.
  • <figure>: Represents self-contained content, such as images, illustrations, diagrams, or code snippets.
  • <figcaption>: Provides a caption or description for the content within the <figure> element.
  • <video>: Embeds a video into a web page.
  • <audio>: Embeds audio content into a web page.
  • <canvas>: Provides a drawing surface for graphics and animations.
  • <progress>: Represents the progress of a task or process.
  • <meter>: Represents a scalar measurement within a known range, such as disk usage or completion percentage.
  • <time>: Represents a specific date, time, or duration.
  • <datalist>: Provides a predefined list of options for an <input> element.
  • <mark>: Highlights or marks specific text within a document.
  • <details>: Represents additional details that can be revealed or hidden.
  • <summary>: Provides a visible heading or summary for the <details> element.
  • <output>: Displays the result of a calculation or user action.

These HTML5 tags help structure the content more semantically, making it easier for search engines, assistive technologies, and developers to understand and manipulate the page’s elements. They enhance accessibility, improve SEO, and facilitate better overall markup practices.


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The Tech Thunder