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HTML del Tag

The <del> tag in HTML is used to represent deleted or removed content within a document. It is typically used to indicate that a part of the text or content has been deleted or struck through.

Here’s an example of how the <del> tag is used:

HTML<span role="button" tabindex="0" data-code="<p>My <del>old</del> new car is fantastic!

<p>My <del>old</del> new car is fantastic!</p>

In the example above, the word “old” is wrapped within the <del> tags. This indicates that the word has been deleted or removed from the original content. By default, the deleted text is often rendered with a strikethrough line.

The <del> tag can be useful in various scenarios, such as displaying revisions, indicating outdated information, or showing removed sections in a document. It helps convey the idea that certain content has been deleted or is no longer valid.

It’s important to note that the <del> tag is a semantic element used for marking up the structure and meaning of the content. It does not inherently provide any specific visual styling. The actual rendering of the deleted content depends on the browser or the CSS styles applied to it.

In addition to the visual strikethrough style, you can customize the appearance of the deleted content using CSS. You can define styles for the <del> element to change the color, font, or other visual properties to match the design of your webpage.

Overall, the <del> tag in HTML is used to mark deleted or removed content within a document, allowing you to indicate that specific portions of text or content have been deleted or struck through.


The Tech Thunder

The Tech Thunder

The Tech Thunder