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HTML blink Tag

The <blink> tag was a non-standard HTML tag that was used to make text blink on a web page. However, it is no longer supported in modern HTML standards and is considered deprecated.

If you want to create a blinking effect or animate text, it is recommended to use CSS animations or JavaScript instead. CSS animations allow you to apply various effects, including blinking, to HTML elements. Here’s an example of how you can achieve a blinking effect using CSS:

  .blink {
    animation: blink-animation 1s infinite;

  @keyframes blink-animation {
    0% {
      visibility: hidden;
    50% {
      visibility: visible;

<p class="blink">Blinking text</p>

In this example, the .blink class is applied to the <p> element, and it is assigned a CSS animation called blink-animation. The animation alternates the visibility of the element between hidden and visible states, creating a blinking effect.

Remember to use CSS and JavaScript for more modern and widely supported ways to achieve dynamic effects on your web pages.


The Tech Thunder

The Tech Thunder

The Tech Thunder