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HTML mark Tag

The HTML <mark> tag is used to highlight or mark a specific portion of text within a document. It is commonly used to visually emphasize or draw attention to a particular section of content.

Here’s an example of how the <mark> tag can be used:

HTML<span role="button" tabindex="0" data-code="<p> This is an <mark>important</mark> piece of information.

     This is an <mark>important</mark> piece of information.

In the above example, the <mark> tag is used to highlight the word “important” within the paragraph. The content within the opening and closing <mark> tags will be visually distinguished, typically with a yellow background color by default, although the exact appearance can vary depending on the browser and CSS styling.

The <mark> tag provides a way to indicate relevance, significance, or focus on a specific part of the text. It can be useful for indicating search results, key terms, or highlighting important details in a document.

You can also apply CSS styles to the <mark> tag to customize its appearance according to your design requirements. This includes changing the background color, text color, font weight, or any other visual properties to suit your desired look and feel.

It’s important to note that the <mark> tag should be used for highlighting text within the context of the content and not for general styling purposes. It is intended to provide semantic meaning and convey information rather than solely for visual aesthetics.

By using the <mark> tag appropriately, you can effectively draw attention to specific content within your HTML documents, making it easier for users to identify and understand the significance of the marked text.


The Tech Thunder

The Tech Thunder

The Tech Thunder