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HTML Space Code

In HTML, you can create spaces or add whitespace between elements using different methods. Here are a few common ways to insert spaces in your HTML code:

Non-Breaking Space ( ):
The   entity represents a non-breaking space in HTML. It creates a space that prevents line breaks from occurring between the words or elements. You can use it multiple times to create multiple spaces. Example:

<p>  This is some    text with multiple spaces.<p>

CSS Margin:
You can use CSS margin properties to add space around elements. By setting the margin property to a specific value, you can create space on the top, right, bottom, or left sides of an element. Example:

HTML<span role="button" tabindex="0" data-code=" <style> .spacer { margin-right: 10px; } </style> <p>This is some <span class="spacer"></span>text with a space.

     .spacer {
       margin-right: 10px;
   <p>This is some <span class="spacer"></span>text with a space.</p>

CSS Padding:
Similar to margin, you can use CSS padding properties to add space within elements. The padding property creates space inside the element’s boundaries. Example:

HTML<span role="button" tabindex="0" data-code=" <style> .spacer { padding-right: 10px; } </style> <p>This is some<span class="spacer"></span>text with a space.

     .spacer {
       padding-right: 10px;
   <p>This is some<span class="spacer"></span>text with a space.</p>

HTML Entity Codes:
Apart from non-breaking space (&nbsp;), there are other HTML entity codes you can use to represent various spaces and whitespace characters. For example:

  • or represents a regular space character.
  •   or   represents a non-breaking space.
  • represents an en space.
  • represents an em space. Example:
<p>   This is some   text with multiple spaces.<p>

Remember that using excessive spaces or multiple non-breaking spaces can affect the readability and responsiveness of your webpage. It’s recommended to use CSS margin and padding properties for better control over spacing and layout.


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The Tech Thunder

The Tech Thunder